Friday, April 30, 2010

I also like alliteration and archaic language

I'm just going to lay it out simply: this blog is going to be about food and alcohol. I'm an engineer by trade with delusions of writing talent (I'm one of those oddball engineers with better verbal than math scores on standardized tests), and I happen to enjoy cooking, drinking, eating, and related activities. I suppose I could have chosen to do some form of tech or entertainment blog, but the world isn't exactly hurting for more of those.

Food and alcohol as the focus leapt to mind because my eating and drinking habits have been on my mind a lot lately. Twelve months ago, I was obese and borderline alcoholic. Now I'm merely overweight and manage to avoid drinking too much except for the odd special occasion. And who knows? Maybe the writing will help with motivation to drop the last vestiges of extra fat and avoid backsliding. Time will tell, but I've already learned once how quickly good habits revert to bad if you stop paying attention.

Expect recipes, reviews, and any food-related thoughts or rants that take hold in my brain. For now, I envision regular updates on Sundays and Wednesdays with the occasional wildcard post in between.